
Degrees in Hospitality & Hotel Administration


Deliver Great Service and Customer Experiences Using Business

Hospitality & Hotel Administration is all about people. Hospitality is not restricted to the hotel alone, but could be anywhere. This program is a detailed study of the hospitality and hotel industry. The ethics required for understanding the industry are acquired by your hospitality management degree. Our Hospitality & Hotel Administration cover a broad category of fields within service industry that includes event planning, lodging, transportation, theme parks, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry. Hospitality Management graduates will look at different areas of the hospitality industry, strong focus on customers, and good levels of service provided, and an economics of the industry. Explore the opportunities in this industry when you earn a Degree with a Specialization in Hospitality & Hotel Administration from KK Modi University.

Launch your creative career

A Degree Designed To Make An Impact

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This program is designed to take you beyond the classroom. You will build viable technologies, beef up your cv with projects with real organizations, flesh out viable startup ideas, befriend your future co-founders, meet mentors, build key relationships and most importantly pursue your passion.

Hospitality & Hotel Administration Degrees

Hospitality & Hotel Administration degrees offered in KKMU.

Turn your passion into profession

We believe that you deserve to live this life with passion and conviction in your choice of career and at KKMU, we encourage you to realize your dreams. Our courses, therefore, are designed to offer critical skills, a knack for team work, discovering new ideas and having a futuristic vision. Discover your passion through our program.

Turn your passion into profession

Jumpstart Your Career With Dual Specializations

Many students choose to take up a double specialization while they are here. You can search for new avenues, harness various creative approaches, and develop a unique, well-rounded career chart — all the while learning in multiple fields and making the best use of the curricula and resources on offer.