Computer Application

MCA in Computer Application
This MCA degree offered by KKMU, the best MCA colleges in Chhattisgarh is without specializations. The course emphasis on latest programming languages and tools to develop better and faster applications. BCA makes a base while MCA adds a specialized touch in the subjects studied in BCA. It is designed for students who are enthusiastic about pursuing their careers in computer-related fields. A MCA degree with strong practical exposure provides a foundation for a career in Computer Applications, Information Technology (IT), and IT-enabled services.
Master of Computer Application (MCA) 112 Credits
Liberal Arts and Sciences: 7 Courses x 4.5 Credits = 31.5 Credits
- ENG201 The Art of Conversation II
- COM301 Business Communication
- MGT201 Business Fundamentals
- MGT203 Design Thinking
- MTH201 Business Mathematics
- PHL201 Indian Ethos and Mindful Leadership
- PSY202 The Science of Happiness
Core Requirement: Choose any 8 Courses x 4.5 Credits = 36 Credits
- AIM301 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
- CST506 Automata Theory
- CST507 Advanced Operating Systems
- PRG505 Advanced Software Engineering
- PRG506 Computer Graphics
- MTH501 Advanced Discrete Mathematics
- PRG501 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- PRG502 Object Oriented Analysis with Python
- CST501 Advanced Network Security
- CST502 Wireless Computing
- CST508 Advanced Database Management Systems
- RES201 Research Methods
- QNT201 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making
Open Electives Interdisciplinary: 02 Courses x 4.5 Credits= 9 Credits
- Open Electives I
- Open Electives II
Choose any Four Courses – 04 Courses x 4.5 Credits= 18 Credits
- MOC301 Responsive Mobile Platform
- MOC302 Mobile Application Development Using Android
- MOC303 Mobile Application Development Using IOS
- MOC304 Enterprise Mobile Application Development
- DAL301 Introduction to Data Analytics
- DAL402 Predictive Analytics
- DAL303 Descriptive Analytics
- MOC601 Application Development using Python
- MOC602 Advanced Web Technologies
- MOC603 Internet of Things
- MOC604 Computer Vision*
- DAL601 Statistics for Data Science
- DAL602 Optimization for Machine Learning
- DAL603 Deep Learning
- DAL604 Communicating Data and Analysis
Internship (Co-op) – 10.5 Credits
- APT700 Applied Thesis
- INT600 Internship/Co-Op
Professional Core Courses = 3 Certification x 2 Credits ; 02 Certifications x 0.5 credits = 07 Credits
- PCC101 Skills for Lifelong Learning
- PCC103 Harvard Certification - Ethics at Work
- PCC104 Positive Intelligence
- PCT100 Advanced Excel/Word Training
- PCT104 3000 Line of Codes
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